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The Government of Canada has declared May 9th, National Day of Honour to mark the end of our country's military mission in Afghanistan. A National ceremony will occur on Parliament Hill to pay tribute to the fallen, the sacrifices of the wounded and the special burden borne by military families. These heroes deserve our unwavering support and everlasting respect. (Extracts of a letter from Hon. Julian Fantino, PC, MP)

Finally spring is here so hopefully summer is not far behind. Golf and Bar-B-Q season is upon us, but don't forget that your branch still needs your support. One of the ways that you may help is participating in the Chase The Ace fundraiser on Monday evenings. Ticket sales are from 6 to 8 P.M. with the draw at 8:15 P.M. 50% of all money taken in on ticket sales goes toward the prize that is won if the Ace of Spades is selected.

Congratulations to newly elected executive member Ken Morley.

The Legion Sports Foundation is once again sponsoring the Legion Athletic Camp at the International Peace Garden from July 13 until August 16. Each session is one week long beginning with registration on the Sunday and ending the following Saturday morning. The Branch is subsidizing Children/Grandchildren of members who wish to attend. Applications are available from the Branch.

Canadian Legion Memorial Housing Foundation provides affordable housing to our Veterans and their spouses. If you know of any Veterans or their Widows/Widower, who may require housing, please contact the secretary of the foundation at 669-9969 for information.

All my thoughts and best wishes to our shut-ins and those who are temporarily ill.

Cde. Ronn Anderson, President


Hopefully spring is just around the corner.

I missed Kay McKinnon's name from the Officers list. Sorry about that, Kay is the Secretary.

Also, the Ladies Auxiliary does Funeral lunches. The food is excellent. You can Contact Marjorie Suddick at 837-8416.

April was an important month for some. Bob and Barbara Criggie celebrated their 60th Anniversary at the Legion. All the best to both of you.

On April 29th Anne Kumka will be celebrating her 99th Birthday. All the best to you.

Don't forget the Soup Labels and Bake Table. If you can bake or take a day, check with Barb.

Don't forget, May 4th is our Spring Luncheon - Tickets $7.00 see Marjorie Martin for tickets. If Phyllis is around the Legion, she may have tickets. Come and enjoy a nice lunch. Hope everyone had a nice Easter. To all the Mothers - "Happy Mother's Day".

Checking ahead on the calendar, our last meeting before summer is June 5/14. Are we going out for Supper?

June Clarke, Ladies Auxiliary Publicity Chair


Please note: all submissions for the Newsletter must be typed or hand printed. Thank you

Cde. Mike Thayer, Publicity


Spring has finally arrived and our Branch sports leagues are coming to the end of their respective seasons and here are the results.


The cribbage league had their windup on April 5th and will start again in the fall. Watch the bulletin for updates.

We are a casual, fun group and always looking for more players. Why not consider joining us!!

Watch the bulletin board for more information.


The season has finished for our curlers with their windup banquet held on March 23rd.

The results are as follows:

  1. Aggregate was won by Mike McLean, Ken Gray, Doug Karlowski and Al Mowatt
  2. Memorial was won by Wayne Wiizbicki, Deb MacDonald, Bernie Roy and Gabby Einerson
  3. "A" Division Winner was won by Rolly Fisette, Dusty Miller, Jan Miller and Dave Nash
  4. "A" Division Runner up was won by Bud Hawkins, Bruce Cherney, Kim Kruse and Ione Richards
  5. "B" Division Winner was won by Don Neumann, Bob Harvey, Nancy Neumann and Lloyd Walker
  6. "B" Division Runner up was won by Wayne Wiizbicki, Deb MacDonald, Bernie Roy and Gabby Einerson

The coveted "Ascender " Award was won by Wayne Neumann, Glen Morrison, Shirley Christian and Bill Pritchett.

Watch for the bulletin for updates for the new fall season.


The Wednesday Night Dart league has finished for the season. Several familiar faces along with some new ones were seen this year. If you are interested in playing in this fun league and require more information please leave a message at the branch.

The Provincial Command Playoffs were held at Elwood #09 and the results were not available for this report but will be posted on the Sports bulletin Board.

International Veterans Billiard League

The 2012-13 season is winding down with playoffs in full swing. The team results will be posted on the back wall by the billiard tables. The Banquet will be held in May.

Senior Snooker League

The Senior Snooker league has come to the end for their season and the following report was submitted by Jim Ward.

  1. "A" Group Winner - won by Bernie Roy and Bill C Quinn.
  2. "A" Group runner up - won by Tom Derksen and Cliff Cooke.
  3. "B" Winner - won by Doug Gardiner and Ron Robinson.
  4. "B" Group runner up - won by Merv Pilkey and Rick Gustafson.

The wind up Luncheon was held on April 16th in the Clubrooms with Trophies and prizes being awarded.

The league will start early October 2014 and a notice will be put in the Bulletin and a signup sheet will be posted on the Pool Room Bulletin Board.

Thanks to Bernie Roy for your help in assisting me.


The St James Legion Senior Golf league will begin on 7 May 2014 (depending on weather).

All games are played every Wednesdays at 1000 am at the Players Golf course located on Inkster Blvd. All Legion members welcome, for further info pls contact Bernie Roy

Watch the Bulletin board for the upcoming Summer Senior Golf league. All games will be played at Players" golf course. The signup sheet for the 2014 Provincial Command Regular and Seniors Golf Tournaments will be posted on the Sports Bulletin Board on Tuesday, April 29th

Upcoming Events

Please watch the bulletin boards for upcoming sporting events to take place at our branch.

Yours Fraternally
Cde. Mary Anne McGibney, Sports Chairperson


Thanks to everyone who bought tickets for the Easter Basket. The winner was Ken Wowchuk.

I would like to thank all the people who donated to the Basket. I will try & list all the donors.

Clayton Mills Wallace, Ron Filbey, Chad Whitfield, John & Jane Rochon, Ken & Durelle Wowchuk, Barb Criggie, Maria Sheard, Jim Ward, Marge Suddick, Mert Patterson and Muenther Said from Foodfare .

Watch for Canada Basket coming next, Again Thanks everyone these are important fundraisers for the Branch.

Mr. Ken Morley is taking over the Ways & Means please continue to support Him anyway you can.

Yours in Comradeship,
Cde. Al Cootes, Ways Means


Paul Raiche
Lawrence Murosski
Cheang Soo
Brian Cairns
Denise Adams

Janice Scarth
Serge LaForge

Number of Dues paid for 2014 -- 1279

New Members -- 7

To renew your Membership for 2014 the dues are $46.00. Cannot make it down to the Legion? Mail in your dues with a self-addressed stamped envelope, and we will be pleased to mail your Membership card to you.

Keep up with the happenings at our Legion. If you want the bulletin mailed to you, the cost is $10.00 per year and you will be one of the first to receive the bulletin delivered right to your mailbox six times a year.

Cde. Gordie Laing, Membership Chair Membership Renewal


We are always looking for volunteers to help out with our Meat Draw. If you or your Group are interested please leave your name at the Bar or call the branch at (204) 888-2767.

Cde. Marge Suddick, In House Draws Chair


Now that winter has finally left us, why not come out for our Chase The Ace draw on Mondays. Sales are between 6PM - 8PM, with the draw at 8:15PM. We also have a 50/50 draw which is usually around 8PM. The canteen is open if you would like to have a dinner first. Bring some friends and enjoy some good times. Do not forget that each week that the Ace of Spades is not drawn, the chances increase the following week. See you soon.

Yours in Comradeship,
Ken Morley, Chairman


Band Schedule

May 2014

02-03 Dynamics
09-10 Vintage Groove
16-17 Almost Angels
23-24 Contraband
30-31 Crosstown

June 2014

06-07 Spice of Life
13-14 Dynamics
20-21 Celebration
27-28 Rockets

Bands for July & August (Friday Night Only)

July 2014

July 04 Dynamics
July 11 Rockets
July 18 Dynamics
July 25 Rockets

August 2014

Aug 01 Dynamics
Aug 08 Dynamics
Aug 15 Dynamics
Aug 22 Rockets
Aug 29 Almost Angels

Cde. Darcy Halladay, Entertainment Chairperson


Comedy Night.

It is on May 2, Friday at 7:30 pm. Tickets will be $10.00 a person with the proceeds going to the MFRC. I hope the members will come out and support our Military on this day.

Posters will be up for all these events.

Mother's Day

  • May 11th, Sunday
  • Cost $7.00 per ticket, children under 5 free.

Canada Day- July 1st- Tuesday

  • Hot Dogs- $2.00
  • Hamburgers- $3.00
  • Mini Meat Draw
  • Band Dynamics
  • Doors open at 9:00 am.
  • Festivities start at 12:00 noon

Cde. Betty Zarney, Special Events Chair


2701 PPCLI Cadets

To All Members

The Cadets received the Canadian Tire Money and they wish to thanks those members who donated their spare CDN Tire Money into the box underneath the telephone by the canteen. The total amount came to $133.00 which was spent on materials used in their regular daily activities. The box is still there and anyone wishing to donate any spare Canadian Tire Money to the box, please continue to do so. Thanks again

Cde. Eric Murphy, Committee Member PPCLI Cadets


In recent years we have lost many Comrades available for the important duty of Honorary Pallbearers who are needed to honor our fallen Veterans. I would like to request volunteers for this duty, if you can spare sometime in the AM or PM to attend various funerals and have a Legion uniform. I would appreciate you getting in touch with me at 889-8225 or leave your name and phone number at the Branch office. Thank you in advance for your co-operation

Cde. Eric Murphy, Service Officer & Pensions


Well spring should be just around the corner, but which corner?

On Friday March 28th we had our Fun day. There were 67 people in attendance and we all had a great time. Our lunch was enjoyed by all, Thanks Ken. Georgina and her crew did a good job and everything ran smoothly.

At our meeting last month, we gave $500.00 to the Branch to help with the snow clearing. Every bit helps.

We have 85 members on our rosters. We also have a Bake Table once a month - could you help? We could also use some help with the Meat Draws.

We had a General Meeting on April 10th, only 25 people were out, if we have 85 members, where are you. The snow is nearly all gone and it's easier to get around. We will be having a meeting in June and will be closed then until September, so try to get out.

We have been invited to visit Stonewall on May 22nd. If you are interested, please let Darlynn Know.

On April 29th, Anne Kumka is having her 99th Birthday. I have cards for her and have permission to be at her party. I will take wishes to her from everyone.

Hope to see you at the next meeting.

June Clarke, Publicity


Deer Lodge - Chris Aldridge

  • Doug Brown Loved the chocolate bars, great visit
  • Bert Hilton Loved the chocolate bars, great visit
  • Hugh Buskell Not in left goodie bag
  • Mel Johnston Tried the chocolate bar bring more good visit
  • John Windsor Says hi to all, celebrated his 91st birthday, good visit

Golden West Lodge - Chris Aldridge

  • Elliot Armstrong As usual -good visit and discussion

Oakview Place - Jim Ward

  • Olive Horton Short visit, likes her treats
  • Lil Suche Nice visit &chat
  • Marge Hewitt Sleeping, left goodie bag
  • Wes Wowchuk Resting short visit
  • James Mowatt Short visit enjoys the treats

Tuxedo Villa - Al Coote

  • Eva Mackay Eva Was resting when I visited, left goodie bag

At Home - Al Coote

  • Peter Sawatzky Had a nice visit with Peter & Marie, Peter is starting to get out for his walks

Thanks to Jim & Chris for their help & remember if you have sometime, consider visiting the sick & shut INS. If you know of any of our Members who are sick Please let me know so I can arrange a visit.

Cde Al Coote, Hospital & Sick Visiting Chairperson


On your way downstairs to the main lounge, there is a wooden box marked "St James Legion Supports the Troop's Family" if you have any spare change please throw it in to support our Troop's family.

Also have a look at the wall behind the bar; we are selling items for the MFRC (Military Family Resource Centre" to help the Troops and their families.

Support your troops on Friday by wearing RED.


A.D. McKinnon, L.J. Nordal, D.Roshick, D.I. Frankton, M. Thayer, S. McLean.


Please take note. Any checks or donations made to Deer Lodge Veterans must be made out to the Veterans Memorial Endowment Fund at Deer Lodge. This is to ensure the money or donations go directly to the Veterans and no other organizations. Thank you.


Our Office Administrator, Debi Pointkoski, is also a Certified Marriage Commissioner. Please contact Debi if you want more information regarding this service.


Heaven's gate swung gently open, the Master called softly "Come" and you Dear one took the Master's hand and your work on earth was done. We'll never cease to miss you and shed many silent tears because we cannot share with you Our hopes, Our joys, Our fears. But one day in God's garden when the master calls us to come, You'll be at the gates with open arms and say to us "Welcome home".

It is with deep sympathy the Branch records the passing of the following Comrades since our last review. The Officers, Executives and members extend their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.

Cde. Philip T Derksen
Unit: Army
Deceased 17 April 14

They shall grow not old
As we are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
Nor do the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.


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