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The days are getting shorter and the children will soon be back in school. It is time to think about your fall and winter activities. One of those activities should be your plan on how to support your Branch and all its different activities.

Whatever your preference, you can enjoy it in your branch. Darts, Pool, Snooker, Billiards, Cribbage, Whist, Poker (Texas Hold-em), Chase the Ace, Friday and Saturday dances, as well as Zumba, Line dancing and ball-room dancing, Friday night mini Meat Draws and Saturday afternoon Meat Draws and probably some other activities I've missed. If you're interested in an activity not listed and would like to organize it, please speak to a member of the executive and we'll see if we can accommodate it.

Drop in for coffee (or beverage of your choice) in the morning, a lot of our members meet in the branch at that time.

Remember it's YOUR Branch, use it and support it or it may not be here in the future.

It will soon be time to remember our Veterans and those who have passed during the many wars Canada has taken part in. The Annual Poppy Campaign commences on Friday the 30th of October and will run until the 11th of November. Remember that when you took your oath on initiation you promised to actively participate in the poppy campaign. Watch for signup sheets in mid-October.

The Branch is in the planning stages for our Remembrance Day service on the 11th of November at Bruce Park followed by activities at the Branch. More details to follow.

This year the Branch will be electing a 1ST Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President and 5 executive members to run the Branch with the assistance of those executive and officers who still have one year to serve on their term of office. Nominations will be held on October 15th at the General meeting with elections to follow in December. Please, if you are interested in the future of your Branch, come to the meeting and stand for office.

Commencing the 1st of September, our membership committee will be in the branch accepting 2016 dues payments. Dues if paid before the end of January are $45.00. From the 1st of February they are $50.00 for the year. Be an Early bird and save 5 dollars.

To all our shut-in members and those who are ill I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you can get back and visit with us in the Branch.

Cde. Ronn Anderson, President


For September our meeting will be on Thursday the 3rd. Executive 6:30 pm and Regular 7:30 pm. Hope everyone had a good summer.

Just spoke to Corrine, she is taking it easy and we will see her at the meeting.

Hope you all enjoyed our hot summer along with the rain.

June Clarke, Ladies Auxiliary Publicity Chair


Cde. Ronn Anderson, Chairman


Please note: all submissions for the Newsletter must be typed or hand printed. Thank you

Cde. Mike Thayer, Publicity


Summer will soon come to an end and our branch sports activities will soon be starting for the fall and winter.


The cribbage league will be starting in September so come out and join us for an afternoon of friendly cards & socializing. Registration starts at 11:30 am. Cards at 12:30.

We play every second Saturday. We hope to see you there.

Contact Gert 837 1955 or Bea 888 4661 if you have any questions.


A meeting will be held on September for all those interested in curling this year. The drawing of the teams will be done at this meeting. Watch the bulletin board for details.


The Wednesday Night Dart league will be starting in September and a notice will be posted on the bulletin board.

If you are interested in playing in this fun league and require more information please leave a message at the branch.

International Veterans Billiard League

The 2015-16 season will start again in the early Fall. Watch the bulletin boards for further information.

Senior Snooker League

The Senior Snooker league will commence again in October 2015

A sign-up sheet will be posted on the Pool Room Bulletin Board for those interested in playing this season. All players will be contacted prior to play. A nominal fee will be charged to cover expenses and the Wind up Banquet to be held in April 2016. You must be a member of the branch to be eligible to play.

Thanks to all for your help and co-operation in making this year a success.

The 2015 Provincial Command Regular and Senior golf tournaments were to be held in Selkirk MB from August 22-23,2015. Unfortunately they were completely rained out last weekend..

The Regular team consisted of Rick McDonald, Brendann O'Connor, Randy Morningstar and Wayne Moar.

The Seniors team consisted of Darcy Halladay, Terry Hollier, Mike Armstrong and Bernie Roy.

Upcoming Events

Watch the bulletin Board for the Mary Oliver Doubles Dart Tournament to be held in September 12,2015. Please watch the bulletin boards for upcoming sporting events to take place at our branch.

Yours Fraternally
Cde. Mary Anne McGibney, Sports Chairperson


The Children's Halloween Party will again be held in the Legion Club Room (lower level) on Sunday, October 24th. We are again planning our pumpkin carving and costume competitions along with entertainment, prizes and refreshments. We look forward to another fun time for all.

This event is free to all legion members, their children and grandchildren. We are however requesting that you sign up and provide us with the number of people attending in your party to assist us in our preparations for this event. (And the right number of pumpkins)

Please watch for our posters and signup sheet on the bulletin board.

Cde. Chris Lundgren, Children's Committee Chair


Yours in Comradeship,
Cde. Ken Morley, Ways Means


Richard Roe
Randel Armstrong

Janet Harrison
Dale Ell
Maria Chanel
Dorothy Scott
Gerard Schmitz
  • Number of Dues paid for 2015 - 1265
  • New Members - 7

Cde. Gordie Laing, Membership Chair Membership Renewal


To renew your 2015 membership the dues are $46.00. To become a member of the St. James Legion for the year 2015, the dues are $41.00. To renew your Membership for 2016 the dues are $45.00 until Jan 31st 2016; Feb 1st the dues are $50.00. Cannot make it down to the Legion? Mail in your dues with a self-addressed stamped envelope, and we will be pleased to mail your Membership card to you.

Keep up with the happenings at our Legion. If you want the bulletin mailed to you, the cost is $10.00 per year and you will be one of the first to receive the bulletin delivered right to your mailbox six times a year.

Daily Draw Winners

Daily Draw Winners for July/August are: D. Wowchuk



I would like to remind members that there will be Turkey & Hams on three Saturdays. Sept 19 & 26 &Oct .3rd. Please come out & support the branch at these draws.

Also there is a thanksgiving basket, featuring a turkey dinner & also lots of good stuff. So fill in the ticket & put it & a loonie in the plastic bag & put it in blue box on the bar.

Good Luck.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to make draws better let me know. Also I am always looking for help for the draws so if you can help leave your name at the bar or call Al Coote at 204-888-0743.

Chase the Ace is every Monday. The pot is now almost $4,000 Ticket $5.00 for a strip of 5. We also have a 50/50, $1.00 for a strip of 5. Tickets go on sale at 6 PM, 50/50 Draw 8 PM, Chase the Ace at 8:15 PM


Cde. Al Coote, In House Draws Chair


Summer is coming to an end and our bands will be starting up again and playing both Friday and Saturday nights starting September 4th. Come out and enjoy the music and dancing . Pick up the current band schedule at the branch The new band schedule will be available for the next bulletin.

Band Schedule

4 & 5 Vintage Groove
11 &12 Celebration
18 & 19 Rockets
25 & 26 Marvels
2 & 3 Dynamics
9 & 10 Ricki Redbone
16 & 17 Celebration
23 & 24 Whiskey Bent
30 & 31 Marvels

Cde. Maryanne McGibney, Entertainment Chairperson


I would like to thank everyone who helped out on July 1st. Canada Day. Everyone had a lot of fun. Thank you to Al & Gisele Coote, Charles & Judy Appelt, MaryAnne McGibney, Mike Thayer, Donna Love, Jim Ward, Don Cozine, Russell Fisette. A special thank you to Roland Fisette who did all the cooking for the day. If I forgot anyone please let me know. Also a big thank you to all the staff who worked hard that day.

We have a lot of events coming up in the next few months so please come out and support them. Don't forget our Sports Day, September 19th Saturday, we will be having with the Over 55 Club. It will be a lot of fun. There will be mini golf, hidden darts and pool top curling. We will be starting at about 1:00pm. So come on down and play a few games and enjoy the meat draw.

Our Veteran's Day Luncheon will be September 24, Thursday. Any Veteran is welcome to come for lunch with our other guests. If you would like to attend please sign your name on the signup sheet on the bulletin board.

Don't forget our Chili Cook Off on September 26, Saturday. Anyone wishing to enter their chili please sign up on the entry sheet on the bulletin board. There will be a silent auction and lots of fun.

October 31st. Halloween Dance. There will be prizes for best costumes. So dress up and have some fun.

Upcoming Events to Put on your Calendars

September 19th- Saturday Sports Day

  • Pool Top Curling
  • Mini Golf
  • Hidden Darts and much more

We will be working together with the Senior 55 Club to start Legion Week. So please all branch members & guests come out and enjoy this day of fun. Watch for posters for more details.

September 24th- Thursday- Veterans Luncheon.

  • 12:00 noon Lunch will be served
  • There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board if any Veteran would like to come down and have lunch with our shut in guests.

September 26th- Saturday- Chili Cook Off between Branch # 4 and the Firefighters/Paramedics

  • Judging will be at 5:30 pm.

October 31st Halloween Dance

  • Prizes for best Costumes
  • Band: Marvels

Posters on the bulletin boards.

Cde. Betty Zarney, Special Events Chair


Summer is a busy time for most cadets. Many of them attend summer training camps that are located across Canada.

Some have completed their summer experience. Others will return in time to start the new school year.

A report of their experiences will be included in the next issue of the Bulletin.

Commencement of the 2015-16 Training Year

The PPCLI cadets will continue to train at Romeo Daillaire School that is located at 81 Quail Ridge Road. The first evening for new and returning cadets is Wednesday, September 16, 2015 beginning at 6:30 PM. They are always looking for new recruits to join the unit.

The army cadet programme is focused on adventure training. They will have opportunity to learn: General Military Training; Leadership; Basic Expedition; Instructor Skills; Team Building and Band. Some will attend training in other countries, while others may have an opportunity to attend a basic parachutist course.

The program is open to all youth from 12 to 19. If you know of anyone who might be interested, I encourage you to ask them to consider the PPCLI cadets.

Please watch for their advertisement posters which should become available in early September.

Cde. Ivan Poitras, Sponsers Representitive


As all members Know by now, our Club sponsors the PPCLI Cadets. There is a small box located by the phone down stairs near the Canteen. If you have any spare CDN Tire Money, it would be greatly appreciated if you could drop it in the box. Once filled we will deliver it to the PPCLI Cadets.


The Branch has a limited number of mobility aids such as wheelchairs, and canes that are available on loan to our members. If you are in need of a mobility aid on a temporary basis, stop by the Branch to view the items available and determine if one might meet your short term needs.


On your way downstairs to the main lounge, there is a wooden box marked "St James Legion Supports the Troop's Family" if you have any spare change please throw it in to support our Troop's family.

Also have a look at the wall behind the bar; we are selling items for the MFRC (Military Family Resource Centre" to help the Troops and their families. Support your troops on Friday by wearing RED.


In recent years we have lost many Comrades available for the important duty of Honorary Pallbearers who are needed to honor our fallen Veterans. I would like to request volunteers for this duty, if you can spare sometime in the AM or PM to attend various funerals and have a Legion uniform. I would appreciate you getting in touch with me at 889-8225 or leave your name and phone number at the Branch office. Thank you in advance for your co-operation

Cde. Eric Murphy, Service Officer & Pensions


Recently read our last Bulletin and Peter and Marie Sawatsky have moved from their home to Deer Lodge Centre. They are in Tower 6 if you care to pay them a visit.

The Chili Cook Off is Sept 26/15. Starts at 5:30 pm. $5.00 for a beer and a bowl of chili, mark your calendars so you don't miss a good time.

We have our date for the Corn Roast, Sept 19/15, a Saturday. Mark your calendars and come out and have a good time. Some will be getting a phone call.

Hope everyone enjoyed our hot and wet summer. Hope to see you at the meeting

June Clarke, Publicity


Deer Lodge - Chris Aldridge

  • Doug Brown - Good visit -- enjoys the chocolate
  • Hugh Buskell - Not in room -- left goodie bag
  • John Windsor - Good visit-- moved again to new room
  • Charles Yule - Good visit and a smoking discussion
  • Maria Sawatsky - Not in room -- left goodie bag
  • Peter Sawatsky - Sleeping -- left goodie bag

Golden West Lodge - Chris Aldridge

  • Elliot Armstrong - As usual good visit and discussion

Oakview Place - Jim Ward

  • Olive Horton - Short visit -- enjoys her treat
  • Wes Wowchuk - Resting -- short visit & goodie bag left
  • Jim Mowatt - Good visit and chat
  • Marge Hewitt - Sleeping -- left goodie bag

Lions Personal Care Centre - Al Coote

  • Winnie Clouston - Not in -- left goodie bag

Tuxedo Villa - Al Coote

  • Eva Mackay - Very enjoyable visit

Cde Tom Love, Hospital & Sick Visiting Chairperson


Please take note. Any checks or donations made to Deer Lodge Veterans must be made out to the Veterans Memorial Endowment Fund at Deer Lodge. This is to ensure the money or donations go directly to the Veterans and no other organizations. Thank you.


Our Office Administrator, Debi Pointkoski, is also a Certified Marriage Commissioner. Please contact Debi if you want more information regarding this service.


Heaven's gate swung gently open, the Master called softly "Come" and you Dear one took the Master's hand and your work on earth was done. We'll never cease to miss you and shed many silent tears because we cannot share with you Our hopes, Our joys, Our fears. But one day in God's garden when the master calls us to come, You'll be at the gates with open arms and say to us "Welcome home".

It is with deep sympathy the Branch records the passing of the following Comrades since our last review. The Officers, Executives and members extend their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.

They shall grow not old
As we are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
Nor do the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Cde. J.G. Racicot
Deceased 22 June 15
Cde. Albert Bartley
Unit: RCAF
Deceased 23 June 15
Cde. Cyril Brooker
Deceased 14 Aug 15


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